Wednesday, February 12, 2014

The workbook is currently open by 256 users : Sharepoint 2010 excel error .

Issue :

Error opening the file for edit . Getting the below error .

Reason : File format is in .xls (<= Excel 2003) .

Resolution :

This is a known issue . Below is the fix .

Convert the file format from xls (<= Excel 2003) to xlsx (>= Excel 2007) .

Follow the below steps to convert the file extension

  • Go to the document library for the site.
  • Download the file to the desktop
  •  Open the excel sheet from the desktop and again save as giving the .xlsx format . 
  • Upload it to the Sharepoint site . 


  1. :)
    but we have this error on .xlsx and o2010

  2. • I downloaded locally the file saving as .xls (file version 2003)
    • Open it (with the error)
    • Save the file (system request new name while read only)
    • Rename the File as the Original
    • Upload to SharePoint

  3. Hi,
    We are using SharePoint 2010 and Excel 2010 and we have .xlsm file in SharePoint document library. When users try to open, they get the following message.

    "The workbook is currently open by 256 users. A maximum of 256 users can have a shared workbook open at the same time.
    The workbook will be opened read-only. You can try again later when one or more users have closed the workbook."

    I downloaded a copy of document to my desktop and renamed it but still I am getting the same error. Can you please help me on this.
