Thursday, October 16, 2014

Steps to run SYDI to check System configuration .

The script generates machine data in word format which will help us to get an insight into the machine configuration .

Step 1 : Download the SYDI tool from into the machine where you want to check configuration .

Step 2 :

If MS word is installed into the machine whose configuration needs to be checked .

·         Open the command prompt and navigate to the path where you have copied the attached file .
·         Type the command : cscript.exe sydi-server.vbs [enter]
·         A message box appears and asks you which host you want to target, the default is localhost. You can select another host if you have administrative access on that machine. Though for now, just press enter.
·         In the command prompt window you will now see that SYDI starts to gather information about your machine. Soon a Word document is created and SYDI writes the information gathered into the document.
If MS word is installed into the machine whose configuration needs to be checked . Eg : Our PPFA front end server where MS office is not installed .

·         Open the command prompt and navigate to the path where you have copied the attached file .
·         Type the command : cscript.exe sydi-server.vbs -oServer1.xml -ex –sh [enter]

·         A message box appears and asks you which host you want to target, the default is localhost. You can select another host if you have administrative access on that machine. Though for now, just press enter.
·         In the command prompt window you will now see that SYDI starts to gather information about your machine. An XM file will be generated in the path under which the command is run with the name “Sever1” .
·         Copy the XML file generated to a system where MS is installed (may be your local desktop) .
·         Now in the new machine where you have copied the XML file also copy the attached scripts .
·         Open the command prompt and navigate to the path where you have copied the attached file .
·         Type the command : cscript.exe ss-xml2word.vbs -xServer1.xml -llang_english.xml [enter]

·         In the command prompt window you will now see that SYDI starts to gather information from “Server 1” xml file and soon a Word document is created and SYDI writes the information gathered into the document.

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