Issue : Cannot create new Site Collections
So the problem we faced of not being able to create new Site Collections
surfaced itself in the ULS logs, stating this message:
Application error when access /_admin/createsite.aspx, Error=Object
reference not set to an instance of an object.
contentDatabases, Guid siteIdToAvoid, Guid webIdToAvoid, SPContentDatabase
database, SPContentDatabase databaseTheSiteWillBeDeletedFrom)
siteCreationParameters, Guid siteIdToAvoid, Guid webIdToAvoid,
SPContentDatabase database, SPContentDatabase
database, SPSiteSubscription siteSubscription, String siteUrl, String title,
String description, UInt32 nLCID, Int32 compatibilityLevel, String webTemplate,
String ownerLogin, String ownerName, String ownerEmail, String
secondaryContactLogin, String secondaryContactName, String
secondaryContactEmail, String quotaTemplate, String sscRootWebUrl, Boolean
useHostHeaderAsSiteName, Boolean overrideCompatibilityRestriction)
at Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPSiteCollection.Add(SPSiteSubscription
siteSubscription, String siteUrl, String title, String description, UInt32
nLCID, Int32 compatibilityLevel, String webTemplate, String ownerLogin, String
ownerName, String ownerEmail, String secondaryContactLogin, String
secondaryContactName, String secondaryContactEmail, Boolean
sender, EventArgs e)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.Button.RaisePostBackEvent(String
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBefore
Reason :
The reason for why we got this error message is due
to invalid references in our Config database pointing to Content Databases that
no longer exist, for whatever reason. The result of this is that the method
tried to create the new Site Collection into a Content Database that doesn’t
really exist, even though SharePoint thought it existed.
Steps to find and kill the broken/invalid references
to the non-existent content databases
Step 1: Get the Web Application ID
Either use SharePoint Manager or simply a quick PowerShell statement to
quickly figure out the GUID of your Web Application where the problem is
$wa =
Step 2: Query your Config database for the appropriate information
Save this ID, head on over to your SQL server and
run this command (replace GUID with your ID from Web App)
USE SP13_Config
CAST(Properties as XML) AS 'Properties'
FROM Objects
GUID of the Web Application
As you can see when using the CAST(Properties as
XML) bit of the query, you can get a clickable link in the results window given
you an awesome overview of the XML represented.
Here’s what the results looks like (1
Step 3: Investigate the
returned results (XML) and find your null-values
the XML link and find this section containing the
Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPContentDatabaseCollection and see if you
find any place where the fld value is null, something like this:
As you can see, most of the
databases in our environment has a sFld and
a fld xml node where the GUID of the
database are stored.. That is essentially your invalid reference pointing to
nothing at all. So SharePoint tries to create the Site Collection in the
Content Database with the null-fld.
with previous steps, make a note of the GUID from your broken database
Step 4: Delete the
database(s) using PowerShell
best way we found to delete these databases were by using PowerShell. At first
I didn’t think it actually worked, but after re-running the SQL query after
running the PowerShell command it occurred to me that the command had actually
removed the invalid reference. The reason for why I didn’t think it worked is
because PowerShell is throwing some errors on the screen for you, but it looks
as if it’s actually working the right magic under the hood for us – thus
leaving us with an intact and working farm again.
make sure you’ve got the ID’s of your broken databases and first and foremost
make sure that you haven’t copied the incorrect GUID (!) – what I did was
simply query my Web Application and filtered the query to give me the ID and
Names of all Content Databases so I could make sure that I didn’t delete an
actual Content Database by mistake.
$wa.ContentDatabases | ft ID, Name |
running this command we got a list of databases where we could just make sure
that the GUID’s we’ve coped didn’t actually represent any of our real databases
that were intact:
now that I’m sure the ID of the databases I copied isn’t the ID of a production
DB which I know is intact, but represents my broken ones, I can execute the
delete-command on those buggers!
order to do that, I simply ran this PowerShell command:
$wa.ContentDatabases.Delete("GUID") |
results of this were as follows, causing a lot of nice error messages..
However, the magic under the hood still worked:
Step 5: Verify by
running the SQL query again
the PowerShell throws an error message stating that “Object reference not set
to an instance of an object.”, however under the hood the magic has been
applied properly and in my Config-database the values that were incorrect are
now deleted as can be verified if we re-run the SQL query:
I’ve learnt a lot this week about the Config database and playing around with
the GUIDs within. The scary part was that these errors didn’t surface in
SharePoint 2010, but they did in 2013 once we upgraded. Another good reason to
get a good iterative upgrade-routine in place before an actual upgrade is
This is way late, but this solution worked perfectly for me. Well written and explained. Thanks